As a sharing tool, it wins hands-down for classroom deployment.Email content to your Notebook (via ) and save it in a section of your default notebook (set that up in the settings) by in the email Subject.Notebooks, each with its own sections that can be password protected or locked with SDES/AES encryption, contain pages that can be created and shared via OneNote Online with anyone.iOS, Android, Windows) you do not need a Windows computer to take advantage of the basic features, which are considerable and available at no-cost. Notebooks can be easily accessed on a wide variety of devices (e.g.

For example, it has the following admirable features: OneNote serves as a fantastic tool for personal organization and class management. Join the ongoing TCEA Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) SkypeChat via your mobile device or online. Explore and share concepts at the intersection of teaching, learning, leading, and technology! Having migrated approximately 10,000 notes from Evernote to various organizers, including Apple Notes, Centrallo, Evernote, Google Keep, MammothHQ, and SimpleNote, each of which have their own advantages and disadvantages ( view comparison chart), OneNote surprised me. Over the last two months, I have been amazed at how easily I have transitioned from other digital organizers to OneNote.